Re-elect Matt Lehman

Are you capable of making decisions for yourself?  Are you mature enough, intelligent enough, wise enough to decide how you want to live? Or are you content to throw up your hands, sit back, and let others make all your life decisions for you?  This is a question voters are being asked to decide for themselves in the United States, in Minnesota, and yes, right here in Shakopee.

In a representative democracy we elect citizens from among ourselves to represent us in government.  Nothing wrong with that.  Look, again, at the banner at the top of this page.  However, the desires of our fellow citizens should never be completely ignored.  We the people deserve a say in how we are governed.  Both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are based upon that concept.  Naturally, requiring a democratic ballot vote to approve every nitpicking issue to come up is an impossible nightmare of logistics, aside from the staggering cost.  However, the smaller the community the easier it becomes to have referendums on important issues.  The city of Shakopee is just such a community, and my opinion is any proposal involving a massive expenditure of money to be paid for with future tax increases should have input from those who will end up paying for it: We the People.

We (YOU) the people (voters) in our collective voices (ballots) can make a difference, we can be the final authority, and we can be the line of defense against government actions not representative of the will of the people. Please Vote and visit my how to help page so your government better reflects you. 

Your local government has mandated that you cannot decide whether to park your car on your private property without concrete or asphalt under it, they banned gravel except in their (govt) alleys. they also mandated you cannot have a car canopy because it might fall down and hurt your privately owned vehicle. These are just a few of the erroneous mandates forced upon you and your private property by govt. Elections do matter!

This site prepared and paid for by Matt Lehman, 815 8th Ave. East, Shakopee, MN  55379